Protein Powder: Why & How To Use it

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July 1, 2020 - Updated October 12, 2023

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Protein powder remains a popular topic of discussion amongst the Sweat Community — you might have considered a nutritional supplement like protein powder if you have specific health and fitness goals.

While you should be able to meet your daily nutritional requirements with high protein foods that form part of a well-balanced diet, a protein shake may be a convenient way to bridge any gaps and complement an already healthy lifestyle. 

If you are thinking about including protein powder in your healthy eating plan, it’s important to know the different types of protein supplements available and how to actually use them. 

What are the different types of protein powders?

Protein powders can be derived from dairy, eggs, rice, soybeans or peas. While most women can meet their protein requirements by eating a wide range of whole foods, these supplements may be used to help you to reach your daily macronutrient targets if your daily protein intake is insufficient. 

Here’s what you need to know about some of the most popular types of protein powders available.

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Dairy and egg protein

These protein supplements are derived from eggs, milk and cheese. 

Whey protein powder

Whey protein is the most commonly used type of protein powder and has several advantages: It’s easily soluble in water and it is a complete protein, containing all of the nine essential amino acids required for protein synthesis and muscle repair. 

Whey protein is quickly and easily digested and absorbed, helping you to feel satiated quickly. 

Most health food or supplement stores will have several different types of whey protein available. 

Whey protein concentrate (WPC)

Whey protein concentrate contains around 70-80% protein, along with some lactose (the sugar found in milk) and fat. Most people prefer the taste of WPC over other types of whey protein. 

Whey protein isolate (WPI)

Whey protein isolate contains around 90% protein, with less lactose and fat than whey protein concentrate. 

Whey protein hydrolysate (WPH)

WPH or hydrolyzed whey is a pre-digested form of whey protein. It contains around 99% protein and dissolves much faster in water than whey protein. 

This type of protein powder tends to taste quite bitter, even when mixed with other ingredients. 

Casein protein powder

Casein protein is digested and absorbed more slowly than whey protein. It isn’t as water-soluble as whey protein but it will keep you satiated for longer. 

This supplement can be used to aid muscle recovery overnight when daily protein needs aren’t being met in meals and snacks.

Egg protein powder

Egg-white protein powder is a lactose-free option that generally contains around 80% protein, including all nine essential amino acids.

More research is needed to show if supplementing with egg white protein powder has a beneficial outcome on muscle recovery and training goals.  

Collagen protein powder

This type of protein powder isn’t as effective as whey, casein or egg protein powders for the purpose of muscle growth and recovery. However, it can help to support joint health, digestion and skin elasticity.


If you’ve been training for a while, you may have heard of branch-chain amino acids or BCAAs. 

This supplement isn’t a complete protein powder. It contains the three amino acids that can’t be produced by the body: Leucine, isoleucine and valine. The powder is generally very bitter and is used either before or after a workout to promote muscle growth and recovery. 

More research is needed to confirm the long-term effects of elevated BCAAs in humans resulting from excess protein consumption. However, a strong correlation has been found between high levels of BCAAs and obesity, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

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Plant-based protein powders

For women looking to build muscle on a plant-based or vegan diet, there are plenty of protein powders made from plants if you're looking to supplement your diet. Many plant-based protein powders are a blend of multiple sources to increase the nutrition value, such as brown rice and pea.

Soy protein powder

Soy protein makes a great plant-based alternative to whey protein as it also contains all the essential amino acids. It’s also low in fat and carbohydrates but doesn’t dissolve as easily in water as whey protein. 

Pea protein powder

While pea protein powder contains all nine essential amino acids, it’s low in methionine — this can be overcome by combining pea protein powder with protein powder made from brown rice. 

Pea protein powder is also rich in iron, an important nutrient for women.  

Rice protein powder

Protein powder made from brown rice contains all of the essential amino acids, but it is low in leucine. This can be overcome by combining it with pea protein powder, or with a healthy eating plan that supports your fitness goals. 

Hemp protein powder

Hemp protein is a plant protein that is easy to digest. While it isn’t a complete protein source it does contain seven of the essential amino acids, as well as omega-3 fatty acids that are important for overall health.

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How much protein do you actually need?

To gain lean muscle and recover effectively from your workouts, consuming 1.6g of protein per kilogram (that’s 0.73g per pound) of bodyweight, per day, is the general recommendation. If you're hitting that target with food alone, supplementation isn't necessary. If not, and your'e trying to gain muscle, you may want to consider eating more high-protein foods or supplementing. 

A 2018 systematic review found that protein supplementation in conjunction with resistance training significantly enhanced changes in muscle strength and size, but supplementing protein above 1.6g per kg has no further impact on muscle strength or size. 

When it comes to fueling your body, more protein isn’t necessarily better. Consistently exceeding your daily protein requirements can have undesirable effects, including putting stress on your kidneys, dehydration or disruption of the digestive system. 

Once you’ve been training for a while and your body has adapted, you can decrease your protein intake to approximately 1.2g per kg. 

When you aren’t doing resistance training, you still need at least 0.8g of protein per kg (or 0.36g per pound) to stay healthy and maintain your muscle mass.

Should you take a protein supplement?

Most women, even those who are training hard, can meet all of their protein requirements for muscle recovery by including regular portions of high-quality protein in their daily meals. 

A 2015 systematic review found that for untrained participants, taking a protein powder supplement in the initial weeks of resistance training, had no effect on muscle strength or lean muscle mass. As training duration, frequency and volume increase, a protein supplement may promote an increase in muscle size, strength, endurance and power. 

Harvard Health says the while eating enough protein is essential for healthy immune and organ function, muscle growth and appetite regulation, protein supplements are a processed food that may contain additives, sugars, flavours and other chemicals. Protein supplements aren’t regulated in most countries, which means that the claims on the label are the manufacturers’ claims — safety and labelling of the products isn’t monitored and any claims are not generally independently verified.

According to a 2019 literature review, protein supplementation should be a short-term solution to meet training demands, and should not replace long-term healthy eating habits, and here at Sweat we agree with this. Where possible, it's best to get your nutrients from wholefood sources.

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How to use protein powder for post-workout recovery

If you choose a protein supplement for convenience, opt for one that has a complete profile and minimal additives to ensure that you get the most nutritional benefit. 

When using protein powder directly after training to aid muscle recovery, it will be most effective when taken with a carbohydrate source. You might choose a supplement that contains carbohydrates, eat a piece of fruit or mix the protein powder with milk. 

Remember, refuelling after your training isn’t just about eating protein for muscle repair. To aid muscle recovery, your body also needs to rehydrate by drinking water and refuel carbohydrate stores. That’s why for most people, eating a healthy snack or a full meal is the best way to refuel after a workout!

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A protein supplement can help to make up a dietary deficit

A healthy, balanced diet will provide enough protein for your training and muscle recovery. However, if you follow a vegan diet or combine resistance training with heavy endurance training, you may find it harder to meet your protein needs each day. 

If you are unsure if you are meeting your protein needs, a sports dietician or nutritionist can assess your daily intake and provide a recommendation on the best way for you to adjust your meals and snacks to optimal nutrition.

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A more empowered you starts with Sweat, and our editorial team is here to bring you the latest fitness tips, trainer recommendations, wellbeing news, nutritional advice, nourishing recipes and free workouts.

* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.


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