Free HIIT Workout At Home With Chontel Duncan

April 8, 2020

SWEAT Trainer, Chontel Duncan, can help you to unleash your inner warrior with her unique and upbeat training style. Her FIERCE programs in the SWEAT app incorporate high-intensity training like AMRAP (as many reps/rounds as possible) and Tabata, strength training, boxing and Muay Thai, and you’ll be challenged with different workouts every week.
FIERCE at Home is Chontel’s first home-based SWEAT program and can be completed in conjunction with FIERCE when you can’t get to the gym, or when you simply want to mix up your program with at-home bodyweight exercises.
For women who want to try a hybrid training style, you can do FIERCE at Home with minimal equipment, loads of variety and great results all in the privacy of your own home.
Here’s a heart pumping speed circuit workout from Week 3 of FIERCE at Home that will get you huffing and puffing.
Are you ready?
Elevate your heart rate with this speed circuit workout
Speed circuit is a form of HIIT, where you alternate between work and rest phases. The goal during each work phase is to complete as many reps as you can in the allocated time, similar to an EMOM (every minute on the minute) style workout.
Your aim is to push yourself hard to get your heart rate right up, as there’s only short work time in each phase — there are two exercises to complete and you do this consecutively with 20 seconds AMRAP of the first exercise, a five-second changeover, then 20 seconds AMRAP of the second exercise and a 15-second rest break. This is repeated for five laps, until you move onto the next circuit.
This HIIT workout has five circuits that will take you about 30 minutes, excluding your warm up and cool down — it’s fast and explosive, so time won’t be on your side!
In FIERCE at Home, the speed circuit is an optional workout until Week 6, then it becomes part of your weekly goals.
If you’re up for a challenge, grab a set of dumbbells, your gym towel, drink bottle and get ready for a killer full body workout.
Speed Circuit 1
2 Exercises / 5 Laps
Squat Thruster
Overhead Walking Lunge
Speed Circuit 2
2 Exercises / 5 Laps
Broad Jump Burpee
Front Raise
Speed Circuit 3
2 Exercises / 5 Laps
Push Press
Jump Lunge
Speed Circuit 4
2 Exercises / 5 Laps
Chest Press
High Knees
Speed Circuit 5
2 Exercises / 5 Laps
Shoulder Tap, Push-Up & Half Burpee (4:1:1)
Bent-Leg Jackknife
Are you ready to take FIERCE to your living room?
With the need for at-home workouts now more than ever, you can know that with FIERCE at Home you’ll still achieve all the same benefits as you would with any gym-based program — from increasing your strength and lean muscle mass, to improving your muscular endurance.
FIERCE at Home is suitable for any level of experience, providing you with variety to keep your body guessing and avoiding that dreaded fitness plateau!
If you love strength training at home, give this free Kelsey Wells workout a go. You’ll need some larger pieces of equipment or a home gym, but there’s always alternative equipment options — just ask our Support team for guidance.
Is there another at-home training style you want to see? Let us know in the comments!

I’m Chontel Duncan, personal trainer and accredited sports nutritionist. My Sweat programs reflect the way I love to train, giving it 100% effort all the way, switching on everything in your body so you feel like a FIERCE warrior.
* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.