Level Up Your Monday With These 8 Fitness Motivation Quotes

July 26, 2019

We’d like to make a formal apology to Mondays. We put too much pressure on you, our expectations are too high, sometimes we don’t even look forward to seeing you and we’re often disappointed in you if things don’t go to plan.
But as sincere as our apology might be, there’s no denying there’s also something about the first day of a new week that we just LOVE. It smells like a fresh start, a chance to get your A into G, and a kick in the pants to get cracking on building those healthy habits you know would level up your life.
Starting your week with a workout - either at home or in the gym - has so many benefits, such as boosting your mood, giving you a sense of accomplishment, and ticking off some of your movement goals straight off the mark.
The start of the week is also the perfect time to schedule your workouts and figure out where in your week you have time for exercise amongst your other priorities — if you're a member of Sweat, you can use the Planner feature in the app to do this.
Whether you have a consistent workout schedule or are just getting started, it's not always easy to find the motivation for another week of working out. These quotes for Monday motivation can help to remind you how far you've come, or why you started your fitness journey in the first place.
If you’re needing an extra boost, here are a few other ways to dial up your Monday motivation:
Find a workout buddy to exercise with, or simply someone to hold you accountable and encourage you!
Set yourself some achievable goals for the week that excite you and celebrate every tiny win
Know your why - without a clear reason why fitness is important to you, sticking with it can get tough!
Have a good night’s sleep on Sunday to maximise your energy
If you’re not feeling up to a workout, perhaps a morning walk (or even a Hot Girl Walk!) could be exactly what you need to lift your spirits
8 quotes to motivate you on Monday
It’s important to have strategies in place for the times you struggle to find motivation and for some people, a few powerful words can be jet fuel. Use these quotes to find the fitness motivation you need to move into your week with a positive mindset and keep working hard towards your fitness goals.

“The key to success is to start before you’re ready.”
Getting started can be the hardest part of a healthy lifestyle change, but as Head Trainer Kayla Itsines says, it will always feel impossible to start if you’re always waiting for the perfect conditions.
“Truth is, there will always be setbacks, and things that don't go right, and challenges to begin with, but that's all part of the journey of learning!”
“There will never be the perfect time - but once you start, then that's where the magic happens. The best time for you to begin is right now! As you are!”
When you start a new health and fitness journey it’s important to remember you are not alone — there are plenty of fitness beginners with questions, just like you! Reaching out to others who are at a similar point in their own journey can help you get an idea of what you can expect along the way and find the motivation to move again when a new week starts.
If you aren’t quite sure where to begin, start with our Sweat trainers’ best workout tips for inspiration!

“You can’t get where you want to be by remaining where you are.”
As nice as it is to stay in your comfort zone, it’s not a place where much change happens. We know how hard it can be to try something new or push yourself to new limits, but that’s where you’re going to see yourself grow. If you’re dreaming of something bigger than where you are right now, you have to make positive changes.
What can you do today to level up and get closer to where you want to be in the future? Perhaps it’s drinking more water, choosing a workout program that reflects your fitness goals or committing to healthy eating habits. Challenge yourself - you truly don’t know what you’re capable of until you try.

“I can and I will.”
Sometimes, even with the biggest aspirations or the best of intentions, WE are the ones who get in our own way. We tend to be our harshest critic, which can stop you from making progress before you’ve even begun.
If you’re being hard on yourself or are lacking self-belief, pause for a second, remind yourself of the amazing direction you want to go, and tell yourself, “I can and I will.” Would you talk to yourself the way you talk to a friend? Overcoming negative self-talk can help you change the way you see yourself and help you unlock your true potential.
You’ve got this!

“Be stronger than your excuses.”
There will always be reasons why you shouldn’t do something today and tomorrow is a much better option, so why not make the most of the time you have today?
“Be better than the excuses and barriers you might put up, because there is no better time than NOW to start working towards your goals!” says Kayla.
Don’t think you have enough time, motivation or that your efforts simply aren’t paying off? Here’s how to beat these common excuses. Remember, everyone has to start somewhere. Make it today.

“A year from now you’ll wish you had started today.”
Visualise where you could be in a year’s time if you took action towards achieving your goals today. What would your life look like? How would you feel? Now decide what you can do today to take a tiny step towards the future version of yourself. One day at a time, that transformation can become a reality.

“We’ll never know our full potential unless we push ourselves to find it.”
All of us have so much untapped potential just waiting to be unlocked, and the only way to bring it to life is to take action and challenge yourself. Old ways won’t open new doors.
“If you don't push yourself beyond what you are already good at, you will never know what your potential is!” says Kayla.
In a few years’ time, you want to look back and be proud of all the times you stepped out of your comfort zone and discovered what you’re truly capable of. So, what are you going to do today?

“Do something today you will be proud of tomorrow.”
Making progress towards your goals doesn’t always happen in leaps and bounds - it happens in small moments and tiny daily actions.
Don’t let the space between you and your goals scare you away from taking a step today - whatever it might be! Hit your step target, prioritise self-care, or set yourself up for the day with a nutritious breakfast. Making the effort to nourish yourself inside and out is often the first step towards a healthier you today and will make you feel proud for making your wellbeing a priority.

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
Whether you’re looking to get up an hour earlier to go for a morning walk, complete a workout, or make yourself nourishing meals at home, committing to a healthy routine can all seem like a mammoth task. That is, until it’s done.
If you’re feeling daunted by your goals for the day, a great trick is to think back on the times you’ve done hard things and remind yourself you can do it. And the feeling of accomplishment afterwards? Unbeatable.
Save these quotes for your Monday fitness motivation!
Setting your intention at the beginning of the week and exercising on a Monday can increase the likelihood that you’ll hit your weekly workout goals. Regular exercise can also lift your mood, help you sleep better, and improve your productivity at work!
Save your favourite fitness motivation quotes somewhere you’ll see them, such as in a note on your phone, on your mirror or in your journal, for whenever you need a boost. Reading an uplifting quote can remind you of how far you’ve come and inspire you to continue the journey this week.

A more empowered you starts with Sweat, and our editorial team is here to bring you the latest fitness tips, trainer recommendations, wellbeing news, nutritional advice, nourishing recipes and free workouts.
* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.