6 Things We Love About The Sweat Community

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February 11, 2022 - Updated February 14, 2024

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If you work out with the Sweat app, you know all about the incredible Sweat Community. The Sweat Community is an amazing group of women who are not only striving to be the best version of themselves but to help others around them succeed and feel empowered too. 

We are so proud of the Sweat Community and are so grateful to be working out with each and every one of you. To say thank you, we wanted to share just a few things we love most about this wonderful community of women.

They are so supportive 

Since day one, the Sweat Community has had each other’s backs. We see you cheering each other on, answering questions on social media and our forum, and offering one another so much kindness when things get tough or aren’t going to plan. And let’s face it, a lot hasn’t been going to plan over the past few years! 

They come from all walks of life…

Sweat isn’t something you can fit in a box. The Sweat Community is made up of students, new mums, mums with five kids, women working multiple jobs or doing shift work, women who run their own businesses, or a bit of everything all at once! 

There are women who have been hitting the gym for years, and beginners  who have just done their first-ever squat - go you! Wherever you are, whatever your lifestyle looks like and no matter what your fitness level is, you show us that Sweat is for everyone.

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…And from all corners of the globe!

From Australia, the US and Canada to Norway, the UK, South Africa and Singapore, we have Sweat members all around the world. For both our trainers and our members, it’s an amazing feeling to know that wherever you go, your community will be right there with you.

They make us laugh

Anyone who has been on a fitness journey knows it’s not always going to be an easy ride, but we love that when things go wrong, the Sweat Community is always ready to have a laugh and look on the bright side. Needing a laugh today? Kayla Itsines’ balance ball bloopers are sure to get you smiling.

They remind us we are stronger than we think

There’s something about seeing other women work hard, achieve their goals and push past what they thought was possible that reminds us of how strong we are and motivates us to keep going. Seeing your strength makes us all stronger. 

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They make us feel connected to something meaningful 

The last couple of years have made connecting in real life difficult for a lot of us, but being part of the Sweat Community creates a feeling of belonging - a network of women who are working on themselves, for themselves and encouraging each other every step of the way. 

We see you going for a walk and getting your Sweat on to take care of your mental health. We see you finding the time to exercise so you can be the best version of yourself. We see you heading to the gym after work to decompress after a long day. 

Even when you’re in the middle of the toughest workout, or are exercising by yourself, the feeling of being part of something much bigger than yourself is priceless.

Join the incredible Sweat Community

We know we're stronger together

Connect with the Sweat Community 

Got a question, looking for advice or simply want to connect with other members? You can hop into the Sweat Forum at any time and click “Start a Discussion” or reply to any of the threads. In the Sweat app, tap on the Community tab, or engage with other Sweat members through social media. We often feature great moments from the Sweat Community on our Instagram, and it’s a great way to find other like-minded women. 

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A more empowered you starts with Sweat, and our editorial team is here to bring you the latest fitness tips, trainer recommendations, wellbeing news, nutritional advice, nourishing recipes and free workouts.

* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.


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