Start 2021 With The FIERCE At Home Sweat Challenge

Chontel TrainerProfile
Chontel Duncan

November 30, 2020 - Updated November 30, 2020

Start 2021 With The FIERCE At Home Sweat Challenge - Hero image

This year has included many struggles as we've faced a global pandemic and spent more time at home. As the year comes to a close, we have the opportunity to start the new year united, so join the FIERCE Community for my FIERCE at Home six-week challenge — it's available exclusively in the Sweat app.

It’s my hope that the program, which is part of the Sweat Challenge, can help to provide a point of focus as you recommit to your health and fitness at the beginning of the new year — it starts on January 11, 2021.

Start the year with my exclusive FIERCE at Home Challenge

This workout challenge includes two options so that you can take part even if you don't have any equipment to train with — there's also the option to train with home gym equipment if you do have it. 

The no-equipment option uses bodyweight workouts to increase your fitness, while the equipment option requires dumbbells and a resistance band. 

These exclusive workouts combine strength and high-intensity training in my signature FIERCE style. If you haven't trained with me before, this is your opportunity to try my training style at home!

How do you join the Sweat Challenge?

If you’re already training with me in the Sweat app, you can join the Sweat Challenge using the “Join the Challenge” button on the pink banner that appears in your app. 

If you don’t see the banner in your app, be sure to update to the latest version via the App Store or Google Play. 

For those who are new to my programs, you will need to download the Sweat app and subscribe to participate in my FIERCE at Home Challenge. 

When you join, simply select me as your trainer, and choose your training style: no equipment or home gym equipment. Once you've chosen your training style, you'll choose your level of difficulty.

“Starting Out” is for anyone new to FIERCE or fitness, or if you want to focus on being consistent with your workouts. “Challenge Me” will help you to take your at-home training to the next level. 

That’s it! Your first week of exclusive FIERCE at Home workouts will appear on Monday, January 11, 2021.

Is the FIERCE at Home Challenge right for you?

Whether you’ve been training with me for a while, or you're brand new to fitness at home, there’s something for you in my at-home workout challenge. 

Don’t worry if you aren’t sure if you can commit to three workouts every week — I’d be stoked to see you do one workout from my FIERCE at Home Challenge program each week!

If you’re worried about finding the time to fit it in, I have you covered with an express workout each week that will only take 15 minutes.

You don’t need any equipment to do the FIERCE at Home Challenge, though you can use dumbbells and a resistance band if you want to. All you need is your body and the commitment to care for your health

Start 2021 With The FIERCE At Home Sweat Challenge - Picture Panel 2 - Desktop

What do you do during the FIERCE at Home Challenge?

Your weekly workout targets will depend on which stream you choose. 

My no-equipment workout stream has a goal of three resistance workouts each week: 

  • Full Body Strength

  • Full Body AMRAP

  • Full Body Speed Circuit

  • Legs And Abs Circuit (Optional)

  • Express Workout (Abs or HIIT) (Optional)

If you choose to train with some at-home gym equipment, your goal is four resistance workouts each week: 

  • Full Body AMRAP

  • Full Body Tabata

  • Lower Body Strength

  • Upper Body Strength

  • Full Body Speed Circuit (Optional)

  • Express Workout (Abs or HIIT) (Optional)

In both streams, there are also two low-intensity cardio workouts and two recovery sessions — and that all-important rest day!

Don’t feel as though you have to get all of the workouts done each week — it’s not about being perfect, it’s about continuing to show up for yourself every week. If you do miss a workout here and there, you’ll still progress through the challenge alongside everyone else.

If you decide to change your training style or difficulty level during the challenge, you can!  Tap the Sweat Challenge banner, navigate to the three dots in the top right corner and select “Change Program” to change your FIERCE at Home training style. 

What if you are already doing FIERCE at Home?

If you’re already doing FIERCE at Home you can definitely do this workout Challenge — there’s exclusive workouts there that you won’t be able to use after the challenge is over!

When you sign up for the Sweat Challenge, you will keep following your current program until January 11, 2021. On this day your exclusive FIERCE at Home Challenge workouts will appear.

What happens at the end of the Challenge?

Once you’ve completed the Challenge, you can return to where you left your program in the Sweat app. 

For those who signed up to Sweat for the Challenge, you can choose a training program to continue your fitness journey after the six weeks are over.

Work out anywhere, anytime with Sweat

Ready for your first workout?

Let’s stay stronger together during the Sweat Challenge

Wherever you are in the world, I look forward to providing you with guidance and motivation throughout the Sweat Challenge! 

Make this commitment to caring for your health and join me and the FIERCE Community for six weeks of at-home training!

Chontel TrainerProfile
Chontel Duncan

I’m Chontel Duncan, personal trainer and accredited sports nutritionist. My Sweat programs reflect the way I love to train, giving it 100% effort all the way, switching on everything in your body so you feel like a FIERCE warrior. 

Sweat Challenge

* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.


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