Make A Hot Girl Walk Part Of Your Workout Routine

June 15, 2022

Health and fitness trends come and go, and there are a lot of fads we don’t get on board with (skinny teas, we are looking at you), but if something is affordable, accessible, healthy and makes you feel good, then it’s got our attention. Say hello to the Hot Girl Walk - and no, it’s not what it sounds like.
The Hot Girl Walk was coined by TikTok personality Mia (@exactlylikeothergirls) and has since become a viral trend. It’s not about looking a certain way - it’s about FEELING a certain way.
Many of us picked up the habit of going for regular walks during the pandemic. Walking was one of the few ways we could exercise and get out of the house, and according to Harvard University, walking is the most popular form of aerobic exercise. The Hot Girl Walk just adds a little something extra!

Give it a try
So what makes a Hot Girl Walk different from any old stroll around the block? Put on your walking shoes, plug your headphones in with some motivating beats or an inspiring podcast, and head out for a four mile outdoor walk (6.4km). And one last thing… Throughout your Hot Girl Walk, the whole point is to focus your mind on three things only - what you’re grateful for, your goals, and how hot you are (yes, you!).
This is a feel-good walk that’s all about cultivating an attitude of appreciation for both your life and yourself and where you’re headed. So if your mind tends to wander off to your ever-expanding to-do list, worrying about things to come, or ruminating on things that have happened, this walk could be exactly what you need to put a pep in your step.
Does it have to be four miles? Does it have to be outside? Nope! They are just guidelines to help you carve out some time to channel positivity, gratitude and confidence. Fit in your Hot Girl Walk when you can, where you can around your unique schedule.
"A lot of people are thinking that the hot girl walk is about weight loss, but it's not. The biggest transformations are the ones that start internally," said Mia.

A step towards your Sweat goals
The amazing benefits of walking aren’t anything new and most of us know how good a long walk feels (or how satisfying it feels to hit your daily step count), but the Hot Girl Walk adds some extra mental and emotional benefits that you can take into the rest of your day or week.
It can also count towards your weekly goals in the Sweat app, as you can record it as one of your LISS sessions! In the Activity tab of the app, scroll to the Cardio section and tap on Low Intensity to record a walk.
Already finished a walk and forgot to record it? No problem - you can easily log it in the Sweat app afterwards in the same place! You should see a button that says, “Already completed a workout? Log it now.” Here you can enter the date, time, distance and steps you completed. Easy!
If you love the idea of incorporating gratitude into your workouts, check out Kelsey Wells’ Redefine Fitness program in the Sweat app, where she brings mindfulness to movement to help you build a healthier relationship with exercise.
What rituals do you have in your weekly routine to feel more confident, empowered or grateful? Let us know in the comments!

A more empowered you starts with Sweat, and our editorial team is here to bring you the latest fitness tips, trainer recommendations, wellbeing news, nutritional advice, nourishing recipes and free workouts.
* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.