Spring In Your Step? Reclaim Your Routine With The Changing Seasons

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March 21, 2023

Spring In Your Step? Reclaim Your Routine With The Changing Seasons - Hero image

If you’re living in the northern hemisphere and the weather is starting to look more on the sunny side with the arrival of spring, it’s the perfect time to spruce up your fitness routine.

For many of us, winter can be a time when our motivation flatlines and the shine has worn off that killer workout routine, so we love to seize the spring season and do whatever we can to defrost our minds and bodies, stat.

Ready to spring clean your workout routine? Here are 13 things you can do to kickstart your training!

Redefine wellness for yourself

Take some time to think about what being healthy and prioritising your wellbeing truly means and feels like for YOU, because it’s different for everyone! Perhaps you feel your best when you’re fitting in a daily morning walk, completing a few workouts each week and drinking plenty of water. Maybe it means feeling strong in your body and mind by lifting heavy weights at the gym. The healthiest version of you could also be when you’re feeling most energetic by getting plenty of sleep, eating nutritious food and doing short, sharp workouts

Whatever wellness means and looks like for YOU, defining it for yourself will help you prioritise the healthy habits that will serve you best.

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Change your scenery and get outside

If you’ve been cooped up inside for most of winter or working out in the same space, spring can be an amazing time to shake things up. Whenever the weather plays ball, make the most of it! You could work out in your driveway, backyard or local park, go for walks or ride your bike outside, or have a short cardio warm-up or cool-down outdoors if your Sweat sessions normally take place inside. 

Sick of looking at the same four walls during your at-home workouts? The start of a new season could be a great chance to freshen up your space and hang a new piece of art, an inspirational quote, add a few houseplants or simply rearrange the room.

Move in new ways, even just for a week

Feeling like you’re stuck in a rut after the chilly months? Shake it off and feel refreshed by adding something brand new into your routine. Think about a new training style, switch your LISS cardio from walking to cycling, or swap your usual HIIT workouts for a strength training program like Katie Martin’s Strength & Sculpt. Trying something different doesn’t mean you’re bound to it forever - even a week spent mixing up usual habits can give you a renewed sense of energy and motivation.

A fresh approach to food

Winter often goes hand-in-hand with comforting, warming meals (or maybe a season of hibernation and snacks sounds more accurate). As the weather starts to warm, mixing up your wellness routine can also happen in the kitchen. 

If you’re not sure where to start, research what fresh produce is cheap and in season in your area and find some new recipes. Perhaps you want to trade in a warm and nourishing stew for a spring salad that’s jam-packed with seasonal vegetables? Incorporating a variety of foods, nutrients and colour in your diet is an easy way to feel like you’ve turned over a new leaf. 

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Focus on fun

While we know that not every workout will feel amazing, if your sessions have been feeling like a total grind and your fitness routine is draining the life out of you, it’s definitely time for a change. Try asking yourself - what kind of movement actually sounds like fun to me right now? 

If you have no idea, why not try a few different workouts and training styles to help figure out what you love. The On Demand tab in the Sweat app is a great place to start!

Treat your ears to some fresh tunes

New season, new music. Are you turning on your usual workout playlist only to find it now reminds you of those dark, chilly mornings where you had to drag yourself out of bed to work out? Music has the power to improve or deflate your mood, so clear out the cobwebs by crafting a brand–new playlist to match the mood of your workouts.

Discover a new view

Getting out of the house and spending time in nature can work wonders for your wellbeing and a great view can make exercise that little bit more enjoyable. 

Find a trail, coastal walk or hill you can climb and let nature's beauty inject some zest back into your week. Want to ease back into the great outdoors? Heading outside to catch the sunrise or sunset is a feel-good way to start or end your day.

Feel better together

For some of us, our workout time is solo, precious me-time where all we want to do is plug in our headphones and Sweat. But after a cold winter, alone time might not be what’s spinning your wheels right now. 

Friends, family and colleagues can all make great workout buddies, whether you’re going for walks after work, sweating up a storm in the gym, or meeting up for yoga and stretching. Even connecting with the Sweat Community on social media or in the Forum can add a social element to your relationship with fitness.

Just a little more spring in your step

Can’t remember the last time you worked out? Don’t sweat it. Unless you’re ready to dive straight into a Sweat program, it can help to ease yourself back into regular movement by adding short exercise snacks into your day. 

Climb the stairs instead of taking the lift, move your body every 30 minutes if your job is desk-bound, or walk to get your morning coffee rather than driving. Once you’re feeling more active, a workout won’t seem so daunting.

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Soak up some rays

Finding the motivation to exercise is a whole lot easier when you’re feeling energised and awake. Aside from getting enough sleep, getting a regular dose of sunshine can make a big difference to your energy, with fatigue and mood issues being one of the symptoms of a deficiency according to Cleveland Clinic.

Work out at a different time

Spring cleaning your workout routine could also look like exercising at a different time of day - especially as the daylight hours start to stretch out. Remember, you can use the Planner tab on the Sweat app to schedule and log your workouts down to the minute!

Give back to your body and mind

To keep your body feeling top notch as you roll into spring and summer, prioritise your favourite forms of self-care each week. Caring for your body might look like a bath, an early night, some foam-rolling or a slow stretch, while practicing meditation, gratitude and self-compassion are all beautiful ways to give your mind some love. If a chill day on the couch watching Netflix or reading one of Brit’s favourite books is what you need most, you know what to do!

Set yourself a new goal

Out with the goal and in with the new. If you’re needing a sense of purpose or direction to get you started or keep you going after winter, a fresh goal might just do the trick. Here are a few ideas:

  • Complete three workouts per week

  • Set a daily step target - and stick to it!

  • Spend time outside on every sunny day

  • Finish a new Sweat program or extension

  • Drink at least 2L of water daily

  • Increase your weights by the end of the month

  • Cook a new recipe each week

Work out anywhere, anytime with Sweat

Ready for your first workout?

Ready to launch into spring and show the warmer seasons what you’re made of? The Sweat team and the Sweat Community are right here with you and can’t wait to see what you achieve this year!

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A more empowered you starts with Sweat, and our editorial team is here to bring you the latest fitness tips, trainer recommendations, wellbeing news, nutritional advice, nourishing recipes and free workouts.

* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.


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