Tips For A Healthy, Feel-Good Easter (That Include Your Favourite Easter Eggs)

March 29, 2022 - Updated March 29, 2024

With the Easter long weekend creeping up on us (where is the year going?!), we wanted to share some of our top tips for making it a healthy, feel-good time - whether you celebrate it as part of your religion, love a long weekend, or are simply looking forward to the treats!
And no, this article isn’t about waking up early to fit in a workout or knowing which exercises are the best for burning off an Easter egg. This is about finding balance, having fun, and remembering that eating your favourite foods and enjoying your downtime with family and friends are an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Health and happiness go hand in hand, and if some chocolate in each hand is your definition of a balanced diet over Easter, we aren’t going to argue!
A good brekkie goes a long way
Before you get stuck into the Easter treats, starting the day with a nutritious breakfast can be a great way to fuel your body with long-lasting energy, and know that you’ve got some protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals in your tank! You’re also less likely to feel those spikes and crashes in your energy that often come from beginning the day with sugary foods. So while we’re all for a chocolate rabbit, we’d definitely suggest getting a nourishing breakfast in first!

Move your body to feel good and have fun
If you want to continue with your usual workout schedule over Easter, go for it! But if you’re heading away, are with family and friends, or simply want to hit pause on your workouts for a couple of days, don’t be afraid to change up your routine.
Moving your body at Easter (and at ANY time of year) shouldn’t be to burn off anything you’ve eaten or to earn food - it should be about feeling good and taking care of your body.
Getting active with your loved ones can be a great way to make memories and have fun together, whether it’s a walk, bike ride, swim, a hike in the wilderness, or some games in your local park or backyard! If you’ve got kids around, doing egg and spoon races or bunny hopping sack races are sure to get everyone laughing (and they can be just as fun for adults).
If you’ve been in an amazing rhythm with your Sweat program but find your routine goes out the window over Easter, don’t worry about it! Your program will still be there after the weekend if you want to pick back up where you left off. If working out is your happy place and something you want to prioritise to de-stress or have some “me-time”, that’s cool too.
Want to squeeze in a quick full-body blast or keen to rope your friends into a weekend workout? Give one of these short workouts a go or try this free express holiday workout!
Stay hydrated and have healthy snacks on hand
Drinking water helps your body with digestion and breaking down what you’ve eaten while also working to prevent constipation. Have a water bottle with you to replenish any fluids lost through sweat, breathing, or especially if you’re drinking alcoholic beverages as these dehydrate you faster.
Along with staying hydrated, it can be a good idea to stock up on healthy food options for the weekend too. This is not about depriving yourself of your favourite treats or saying no to an Easter egg hunt, but about nourishing your body with vitamins and minerals, too. Eating some fruit and vegetables will also aid digestion due to their high fibre and water content.
And let’s face it, sometimes after all the treats, a fresh piece of fruit is exactly what you feel like!
Don’t sweat it - it’s one weekend!
The most important thing to remember is that Easter doesn’t happen every week. Just like other holidays such as Christmas or your birthday, it’s a celebration that happens once a year and shouldn’t be something that causes you to feel stressed about your workouts or what you’re eating. One day or weekend of rest or indulgence definitely isn’t going to ruin your long-term progress, and a healthy lifestyle should be both enjoyable and sustainable.
As Head Trainer Kayla Itsines says, you CAN have a healthy and balanced diet which includes whatever food you look forward to.
Focus on joy and gratitude
If Easter is a time that you struggle with your feelings around food and exercise, it can help to shift your mindset by focusing on what you are grateful for. This could be seeing your friends and family, a chance to sleep in and relax, a lovely day for a walk outside, or enjoying delicious food with your loved ones.
Life is about joy, so if Easter is a weekend of celebration for you, focus on that. Relish this time and soak up every moment - it only happens once a year after all.

A more empowered you starts with Sweat, and our editorial team is here to bring you the latest fitness tips, trainer recommendations, wellbeing news, nutritional advice, nourishing recipes and free workouts.
* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.