7 Tips For Staying Active While Working From Home

March 21, 2022 - Updated March 21, 2022

Over the past two years, the way we work has changed dramatically. With a shift towards working from home and hybrid models allowing a blend of in-office and remote work, this change has had both positive and negative impacts on our health.
A recent report from professional services company Accenture found 83% of people surveyed preferred a hybrid working model, thanks to the added flexibility, time saved from commuting and other benefits.
But working from home isn’t for everyone. Some people have a harder time establishing work-home life boundaries and others struggle with productivity and feel disconnected from their work when out of the office.
For some, working from home and the Covid-19 pandemic also encouraged more sedentary behaviours, with a November 2020 study finding those who suddenly found themselves working from home or out of work reported more time spent sitting while screen time also increased.
With working from home habits here to stay, many of us are missing out on the incidental exercise we did when we were commuting, like walking to and from the bus stop, cycling to the office or simply choosing the stairs over the lift.
If you’re looking for more ways to include movement in your day, here are some easy ways to help you stay active while working from home.

Break your workouts down
There are so many ways to get in an effective workout at home, so find a way to move your body that works with your schedule. If you only have 20 minutes to spare, you can still get an effective workout done in that time - if you know where to look! Try one of these quick workouts the Sweat Community can’t get enough of, or take a look at the On Demand workout options in the Sweat App.
If you enjoy a longer workout but can’t find the time, break it down into shorter, more manageable chunks. Can you complete the first 20 minutes before work, and the remaining 20 minutes when you finish work for the day?
Set yourself a challenge
Is there anything more motivating than achieving your goals? If you feel like you rarely move your body while you’re working from home, set yourself mini-movement challenges to complete throughout your workday.
For example, set a timer on your phone at the top of every hour, which reminds you to drop into a 30-second plank. Or, every time you complete a task, challenge yourself to complete 10 bodyweight squats.
Every bit of movement counts, so make it a habit to include exercise snacks in your routine so you can stay motivated and active throughout the day.
Get outside during your lunch break
Fresh air and nature have been shown to have immense benefits for your mental health, focus and concentration span, and feelings of wellbeing. Research conducted by the UK’s Mental Health Foundation found spending time in “green spaces” like parks helped 45% of people cope with challenges to their mental health.
So it’s important to set aside time to get outside, and really ensure you take a break from being chained to your desk all day.
Take your lunch break as an opportunity to go for a walk around the block, or stroll to your nearest park, and reap the benefits of moving and being outside at once.
If you find yourself regularly forgetting to take time for your lunch break, or eating at your desk, block the time out in your calendar and stick to that meeting with yourself like you would any other work commitment. Chances are, even if you’re flat-out, you’ll feel refreshed and more productive once you return!

Work from a cafe or coffee shop
If you have the flexibility to mix up your remote workspace, work from a cafe or library and challenge yourself to walk or cycle there and back. This way, you’re getting in the incidental exercise of a commute that you might miss out on when you're not travelling to the office!
Instead of sitting for your next meeting, schedule a phone call
While some meetings might require you to have your camera on, present a deck or take notes, if the meeting allows, try to schedule a phone call instead.
This is a great way to go for a leisurely stroll and get your body moving, while you get through a work meeting at the same time! Talk about multitasking… Small swaps like this can make a world of difference.
Head out for your morning coffee
This is your permission to stop settling for the instant coffee you’ve been making for yourself, and indulge in a barista-crafted cup each morning!
For many of us, our morning coffee is non-negotiable. So why not use the appeal of your morning cuppa to motivate you to get outside? Walk to a cafe nearby your house, and enjoy getting out in the fresh air before you start work for the day. This way, you’re beginning your workday with a clear and calm mind thanks to the fact you’ve gotten out in nature and had some fresh air already (and of course, the caffeine doesn’t hurt!).
Get up 20-30 minutes earlier
Setting your alarm just 20 or 30 minutes earlier will give you the chance to fit in an Express Workout or even a quick stroll before your day begins. By getting some exercise in first thing, it becomes a non-negotiable, and you remove the risk that you’ll get so caught up once the workday begins that you simply forget to move!
You might even find the time you’re saving on your commute to the office is the perfect window of opportunity to squeeze in your daily Sweat workout! Either way, that extra 30 minutes in the morning is plenty of time to get your body moving and set you up for the ahead!
There you have it, seven tried and tested tips to help you make movement a priority, no matter where you’re working from.

A more empowered you starts with Sweat, and our editorial team is here to bring you the latest fitness tips, trainer recommendations, wellbeing news, nutritional advice, nourishing recipes and free workouts.
* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.