How To Stay Fit While Travelling

October 25, 2019

It can be tricky to stay fit while travelling.
When you’re at home and in your day-to-day routine, you know what to expect. But when you’re travelling, everything can change.
Different time zones and flight delays, combined with a change in climate and environment can make staying fit really difficult.
We’ve rounded up some tips and tricks, plus some expert hacks from our trainers to help you stay fit while you’re on the move. Including, a nifty way to incorporate a bodyweight workout into your travel.

First things first
How often have you arrived at your destination only to realise you’ve forgotten to pack an all-important item?
Packing your workout clothes, shoes and any equipment you might need (like a resistance band), sounds glaringly obvious, but in the whirlwind of packing for a holiday they can be easily forgotten.
Make sure these items are packed before you walk out the door. Nail this and you’re on track to stay fit while travelling.
Staying fit at the airport
If you’re travelling to your destination by plane, you’ll find yourself at the airport, most likely with time to kill!
Depending on how much time you’ve got up your sleeve before you board, try and walk around the airport terminal as much as you can.
The lack of movement during a flight can cause the blood in your legs to stop circulating, so it’s important to make the most of the chance to move your body before you sit down for an extended period.
Got a decent layover? Up the ante with a bodyweight workout.
If you’re lucky enough to pass through Changi Airport in Singapore, Toronto Pearson International Airport in Canada or Dubai International Airport why not make the most of the gyms in the airport?
Yes, you’ll have to pay for entry, but it’s a great way to fit in a workout and make the most of your time in transit.

Staying fit during your flight
While it can be tempting to sit and watch movies for the whole flight, your body will thank you if you make a move.
Limited space on a plane is a given, but you can at least get up from your seat and go for a walk up and down the aisle — that’s a great start.
Next, find a spot to stand (near the galley or bathroom is a safe bet) and do some standing toe touches, bodyweight squats and standing biceps stretches.
Simple calisthenics and bodyweight exercises like these don’t require any equipment and don’t take up much space — both wins on a plane!
Also, remember to stay hydrated on your flight by drinking lots of water. “I always carry a full one-litre water bottle onto the plane with me and make sure I finish it by the time I land. This prevents me from becoming dehydrated!” says Sweat Trainer Chontel Duncan.

When you reach your destination
Many people find that exercising as soon as you land (if it's daytime) is a great way to help you beat jet lag, provide you with increased energy levels and improve your mood.
Take it from Sweat Trainer Kelsey Wells. “The first thing I do when I get off a plane is Sweat! Even if it’s just a walk, getting some exercise is a great way to acclimatise to any time changes, stretch out your legs, and give you a fresh dose of feel-good endorphins!”
Staying fit at your hotel
If you enjoy keeping up your gym routine while you're away, try to book a hotel with a gym or one nearby.
Before you arrive, check the opening hours of the gym and any access instructions. While some hotel gyms are open 24/7, others are only open selected hours. Knowing this will allow you to plan ahead.
If your hotel doesn’t have a gym, don’t fret. You can workout in your hotel room without any equipment or at a local park. Kelsey’s PWR at Home program is perfect for this!

Staying fit at your destination
Holidays are an amazing time to unwind, relax and create new memories.
Whether you opt for a city break or choose to escape in nature, there’s a few really simple ways to ensure you stay fit and move your body while enjoying your holiday.
After all, there are some pretty amazing places to workout around the world!

Walk this way
Simply walking is one of the most amazing ways to explore a new destination.
While 20,000 steps in a regular day might sound like a lot, 20,000 steps walking the energising streets of Hong Kong or bustling blocks of New York is totally doable.
Not to mention you get the chance to take in the incredible sights and culture around you.
Just ask Sweat trainer Kayla Itsines: “My biggest tip would be to walk everywhere and anywhere you can! Don't always jump straight for the taxi, bus or tram. Walk to and from your meals if you can, and if you have to take a bus or train, walk to the station or stop that is slightly further away from your destination.”
Tip: Make sure you wear comfortable footwear — there’s nothing worse than a bunch of blisters to ruin your holiday mood.

Go green
It’s a safe bet that in most cities and regions, you’ll find a park nearby.
Working out in a park can be a great way to get out and about, while working towards your fitness goals.
Nab a park bench and settle in to complete reps of incline push-ups, lying leg raises and jack knife sit-ups.

Step up
Some of the best views are those that take a little effort to reach.
Take the Hollywood sign in Los Angeles, The Peak in Hong Kong and Roy’s Peak in New Zealand’s South Island, to name a few.
The walk up might not be easy, but the view will be entirely worth it.
It’s time to explore
Travelling the world is one of the most rewarding experiences and staying fit while travelling is possible!
Do the best with what you have, research and plan ahead when possible and you’ll find it easy to stay on track to reach your fitness goals. Taking a complete break from fitness during your holiday? Enjoy yourself and don't worry about it! You're not going to lose much of your strength and fitness in a week or two.

A more empowered you starts with Sweat, and our editorial team is here to bring you the latest fitness tips, trainer recommendations, wellbeing news, nutritional advice, nourishing recipes and free workouts.
* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.