Beginner-Intermediate • Strength • 24+-Week Program
PWR at Home
If you love strength training or want to start but can’t get to a gym, PWR at Home with Kelsey Wells is for you! This program is designed to progressively build overall strength and muscle, with targeted workouts for different muscle groups each week. PWR at Home is suitable for any fitness level, even if you’ve never done weight training before.

I’m Kelsey Wells, creator of the PWR programs and Redefine Fitness. I’ve been a certified personal trainer since 2016, am also certified in pre and postnatal fitness, and I want all women to feel self-acceptance and empowerment with my strength training programs.
Build strength and muscle at home
Perfect for all fitness levels
52 weeks available
35-45 minute workouts
4 optional foundation weeks
Program Overview
Each PWR at Home workout will take you 35-45 minutes and includes activations, supersets, circuits and burnouts, but your weekly workout split, number of workouts and the exercise themselves change throughout the program to keep you challenged and engaged! You’ll also have weekly cardio sessions, recovery sessions and a rest day.
If you choose to start with the four optional foundation weeks, you have three workouts each week three low-intensity cardio sessions to keep you moving.
Chest & Triceps
Back & Shoulders
Legs & Abs
From week one onwards, you’ll have between four and six workouts each week, and your combination of muscle group splits varies throughout the program. Alongside the muscle group splits that feature in the foundational weeks, three other new options include:
Glutes & Hamstrings
If you’re feeling good or low on time, weeks often include optional and Express workouts, too!
As the program progresses, circuit times and superset laps increase to challenge you, or you might notice some new, more complex exercises, different pieces of equipment being used, or your workout finishing with a couple of extra burnout rounds. These changes are designed to boost your strength and endurance, and help you to avoid hitting a plateau.
What you’ll need
While these workouts are designed to be completed at home, you will still need a few pieces of equipment to help you increase your strength and get the most out of the program. If you’re missing a couple of items, feel free to use what you already have or use the substitution feature in the Sweat app for quick and easy exercise swaps.


Bench/Bench Alternative






Long Resistance Band

Medicine Ball

Recovery Band

Skipping Rope


Weight Plate

Wooden Dowel

Yoga Mat
PWR At Home