All Fitness Levels • Strength • 24+-Week Program
This gym-based program from Kelsey Wells is designed to help empower you through fitness, using a range of gym machines and free weights to build muscle and strength throughout your entire body!

I’m Kelsey Wells, creator of the PWR programs and Redefine Fitness. I’ve been a certified personal trainer since 2016, am also certified in pre and postnatal fitness, and I want all women to feel self-acceptance and empowerment with my strength training programs.
Designed for all fitness levels
64 weeks available
Four optional foundation weeks
3-6 weekly workouts
45-60 minute workouts
Targeted muscle group splits
Program Overview
PWR is an incredible program for women who want to build muscle and increase strength through weight training in the gym. With 64 weeks of workouts available thanks to its popularity (including four optional foundation weeks), get ready to increase your confidence and feel strong!
PWR workouts are based on the principle of hypertrophy training, meaning they’re designed to progressively increase the size and strength of your muscles by lifting weights and working to challenge and fatigue your muscles.
Each strength session starts with a warmup, followed by an activation to increase your heart rate and prepare you for heavier lifting. A section of pyramid training then focuses on three single exercises for three or four sets where your weight should increase as the reps decrease. Next up are time or lap-based supersets or trisets, before finishing with an optional burnout and cooldown.
Your three weekly workouts in the foundation weeks include:
Full Body
Upper Body
Lower Body
In weeks 1-8, your weekly workouts increase to four and include:
Chest & Triceps
Legs & Abs
Back & Shoulders
Arms & Abs (optional)
From week 9 onwards, your weekly workouts include a combination of four targeted workouts such as:
Chest and Triceps
Back & Biceps
Back and Shoulders
Shoulders & Abs
Arms and Abs
Glutes & Hamstrings
Just like the other Sweat programs, there are two to three low-intensity or high-intensity cardio sessions, as well as two recovery sessions.
What you’ll need
To get the most out of PWR, we recommend completing this program in a gym so you can have access to the full range of equipment used in the program, such as free weights, large gym machines, a step, bench, fitball, pull-up bar, plyo-box and skipping rope. You’ll find the full list below!

Ab Wheel

Ankle Weights

Back Extension


Bench/Bench Alternative

Bench Press

Bosu Ball

Cable Machine

Chin-up Bar


Decline Bench



Incline Bench


Lat Pulldown Machine

Leg Extension

Leg Press Machine

Long Resistance Band

Medicine Ball

Olympic Barbell

Plyometric Box

Prone Leg Curl

Recovery Band

Seated Leg Curl

Short Resistance Band

Sissy Squat

Skipping Rope

Smith Machine

Squat Rack


Trap Bar

Weight Plate

Yoga Mat

Hack Squat